Exchange Rate Nigeria Black Market


Nigeria’s economy has long been plagued by multiple exchange rates, leading to foreign currency shortages and hindering economic growth. Recently, the country’s central bank allowed the naira currency to drop significantly on the official market, bringing it closer to the black market rate. This move is seen as a step towards unifying the exchange rate and addressing the challenges faced by investors and the economy as a whole.

In this article, we will explore the implications of the exchange rate fluctuations on Nigeria’s black market. We will delve into the reasons behind the multiple exchange rates, the impact of the devaluation on the economy, and the potential benefits of unifying the exchange rate. Additionally, we will discuss the reactions of investors and economists to these developments.

The Problem of Multiple Exchange Rates

For decades, Nigeria has grappled with multiple exchange rates, causing foreign currency shortages and hampering investment in the country. Under the suspended apex bank chief, Godwin Emefiele, these challenges worsened, making it difficult for investors to access their funds and stifling economic growth. The introduction of a managed exchange rate in 2017 aimed to address these issues but fell short of unifying the exchange rate.

The Devaluation of the Naira

In a significant move, the central bank removed trading restrictions on the official market, leading to a sharp devaluation of the naira. The currency drop, which reached as much as 36 percent on the official market, brought the exchange rate closer to the black market rate. This adjustment is the first substantial devaluation of the naira on the official market since 2016.

Traders reported that the naira reached a record low of 750 to the dollar on the official market, aligning it with the black market rate that has been hovering around 750 to the dollar for the past year. This devaluation is expected to address the overvaluation of the naira, making it more competitive in the global market.

The Potential Benefits of Devaluation

The devaluation of the naira is seen as a much-needed step to correct the overvaluation of the currency. Charlie Robertson, head of macro strategy at FIM Partners, explains that the devaluation will make the currency approximately 5-10 percent cheaper, improving the current account and enhancing the long-term investment climate. By aligning the official market rate with the black market rate, Nigeria aims to eliminate distortions in the pricing of foreign exchange.

Bismarck Rewane, CEO of Financial Derivatives Company, believes that the removal of inefficient pricing of foreign exchange will allow the naira to find its true value in the coming weeks. This adjustment is expected to attract foreign investors and facilitate financing in Nigeria, Africa’s largest oil producer.

President Tinubu’s Economic Reboot

President Bola Tinubu, who recently assumed office, inherited an economy plagued by anaemic growth, record debt, and shrinking oil output. He has made it his mission to reset the Nigerian economy and has taken immediate steps to address key issues such as unifying the exchange rate and removing the petrol subsidy.

Tinubu acknowledges that these decisions may impose additional burdens on citizens but believes that they are necessary to free up funds for crucial sectors such as education, power supply, transportation infrastructure, and healthcare. The unification of the exchange rate and the removal of the subsidy are crucial steps towards achieving his economic reboot.

Reactions from Investors and Economists

Foreign investors have long flagged the forex restrictions and multiple exchange rates as significant obstacles to financing in Nigeria. The move to unify the exchange rate and the devaluation of the naira have been well-received by investors and economists alike.

Nigeria’s sovereign dollar bonds saw a surge in value following the devaluation announcement, with longer-dated maturities experiencing the most significant increase. This positive reaction indicates growing confidence in Nigeria’s economy and its potential for increased investment opportunities.

The local banking index also experienced a significant surge, reaching a more than 20-year high, following the suspension of Godwin Emefiele. This shows that there is renewed optimism in the banking sector, as investors anticipate positive changes under the new leadership.


The devaluation of the naira and the move towards unifying the exchange rate in Nigeria mark significant steps towards addressing the challenges created by multiple exchange rates. While the process may initially impose hardships on citizens, it is expected to attract foreign investment, improve the current account, and create a more favorable long-term investment climate. President Tinubu’s economic reboot aims to reset Nigeria’s economy and create a solid foundation for sustainable growth.

By taking decisive actions to address key issues, Nigeria can overcome the foreign currency shortages and attract the much-needed investment to propel its economy forward. The unification of the exchange rate and the removal of subsidies are crucial steps in this journey, and their positive impact on the black market and overall economy will be closely watched in the coming months.

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